It’s The Little Things

It’s how when morning comes, you wake me. How with the growing light, you warm my heart. It’s how you understand that I’m grumpy in the morning but bug me till I end up doing the funny dance. It’s how you don’t bother to make breakfast because you’re a terrible cook, and how you laugh at me when I’m still half asleep on my way out the door.

It’s how you remind me that I don’t face the world alone. How you hold my hand when we cross the street and tell me to watch my step on staircases. It’s how you take time to figure me out, and get me chocolate while you’re at it. How you give me compliments to hype me up, and complain with me over things you have no clue about.

It’s how at the end of the day you’re always there, loving me even when you don’t like me. It’s how sometimes your hugs are too tight they suffocate me, and how your laughter roars when you’re laughing at my silliness. It’s how you always eat my chocolates as revenge for me eating half your fries.

It’s how you hold me when I cry and tell me to my face when I’m being ridiculous. It’s how you put up with me anyway and allow me to do everything all over again.

It’s in these little things that I remember that even when I am not loveable, I am loved.


Small Mercies

The little things never seem to have the power to grow. They give off this impression that they will stay small forever. A one kwacha, a little white lie, a little nap, a small scoop of ice cream, a whisper, a masturd seed. We underestimate the small, the little, the underdogs. They don’t really have much to offer, right?

Cell by cell, the human body grows, from almost nothing to a full functioning person. Teardrop by teardrop heart wrenching sobs cleanse the soul. Block by block cities are built, and step by step long journeys are completed…

And so it is with small mercies gathered together to form a reservoir out of droplets. Collected over time and allowed to cure to their maximum strength.

Every morning, new Mercies are deposited to us, sure as the sunrise, fresh a daisy. Tiny, yet effective. Seemingly week but life saving. Almost invisible yet with a dominating presence. They do not come in with a loud noise, they sneak in and cuddle up with us even when we don’t know.



Believing is an everyday thing…